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Employee Engagement through HRMS

Employee Engagement

As reported by Mercer in 2018, 72% of Singaporeans interviewed stated that they were satisfied with the companies they work for. This is in stark contrast to Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines where 82% of employees surveyed reported that they were happy at their place of work.


Along with this, only 66% of Singaporean employees were willing to advocate their places of employment as good places to work.


The above situation shows us that more than a quarter of the Singaporean workforce is possibly disengaged and unhappy. Employees who are disengaged from the workplace exhibit a lack of interest in their work and tend to suffer from a lack of initiative.


In the long term, the effects manifest in the form of falling productivity, general unhappiness, and an increase in workplace absenteeism. In a nutshell, it can be said that disengaged employees are symptomatic of a much larger problem.


How does employee engagement become disengaged?

When a new employee first joins the team, chances are he/she is motivated and excited about his/her new role. However, as time goes on and as issues begin to multiply, these start to take a toll on said employee.


From feelings of inadequacy to poor quality managers and even misaligned goals, he/she begins to feel frustrated and becomes disengaged. For example, Shannon is a production planner who was recently hired by a major MNC.


While Shannon was initially excited about her new role, she began to feel frustrated and disengaged the longer she was employed. From faulty software systems to an unhealthy workplace culture that encourages nitpicking and office politics, it appeared to Shannon that her colleagues were more interested in gossip than actual work.


In fact, there was a sense of factionalism within the organization with employees splitting up into cliques. Along with this, managers encouraged subordinates to report any transgressions made by their colleagues in order to curry favor.  Any attempts by Shannon to raise her concerns with her line manager led to her being labeled as a “defiant” and “uncooperative” employee.


Eventually, this would lead to Shannon questioning her role within the organization. While she maintained a facade of professionalism, she began searching for another job. Within several months, she was hired by a competitor.


The above scenario highlights a very real situation present in many companies today. In fact, from that scenario alone we were able to highlight several management failures such as employee engagements which are:


Discouraging free discussion

For example, within Shannon’s previous organization speaking up and talking out of line was frowned upon and even discouraged. Rather than attempting to understand the challenges faced by employees, the management team chose to perpetuate a toxic culture of choosing to remain silent and disregard employee engagement.


Perpetuating a toxic culture

As the organization expands and grows, it begins to take on new talent and staff. When left unmonitored, this can result in the development of a toxic workplace culture which is detrimental for everyone.


From employees more interested in politics and gossip than real work to petty managers abusing their power, failing to manage an organization’s work culture is a surefire way to disengage even the best employees.


A flawed performance management system

Ideally, any HR software worth its salt should come with a dedicated performance management system that ensures that top-performing employees are rewarded. This meritocratic approach to performance management eliminates the need for politicking and directs employees toward a common goal.


HR software as a tool for engagements

Employee engagements are imbued with a sense of direction and motivation which enables them to perform at the best of their abilities. Along with this, they are more likely to recommend the organization to their friends and family. Something that can go a long way in helping the organization build up its brand and image.


Finally, engaged employees are also less likely to seek employment elsewhere. Why else would an employee search for better alternatives unless he/she is happy with her current position within the organization?


This quote by Andrew Carnegie sums up the benefits of employee engagement perfectly; “You must capture and keep the heart of the original and supremely able man before his brain can do its best.”


Hence, recognizing the value of employee engagement, we at IQDynamics have specially designed our HR software to help employers keep their employees engaged.


Help your employees speak up

Even in today’s dynamic work environment where managers and employees are on first-name terms with each other, a power distance still remains between these two parties. Anyone who has ever held a job will tell you that speaking to a superior about a workplace issue is fraught with difficulties. From gossiping co-workers to unsympathetic managers, the reasons are varied and many.


Fortunately, IQDynamics’ HR software allows employees to give managers and HR professionals anonymous feedback which can be used as a basis for improvement. Besides giving a voice to your employees, our HR software also ensures that employees never feel alone or helpless.


An objective look into your employee’s performance

Performance assessments have always been a contentious issue among employees, especially in cases where employees feel they have been assessed unfairly. In fact, a significant number of employees feel that their KPIs are often biased and have little to no grounding on their actual performance. Hence, poor assessments can only lead to demotivated and disengaged employees.


Instead of relying on biased assessment systems, IQDynamics’ HR software utilizes a suite of tools that assesses a variety of performance indicators to provide employees with a detailed and objective performance review.


This 360-degree analysis of an employee’s performance reinforces the impartial nature of your organization’s performance reviews which serves to keep employees motivated and engaged.


Pave the way for a new generation

Succession planning is one of the most crucial HR processes in any organization. However, a shocking number of organizations do not have an effective succession plan in place. Hence it goes without saying that this can have serious ramifications for an organization,


Having understood the importance of succession planning, IQ Dynamics’s HR software is specially designed to ensure talent continuity. These range from integrated training modules to dedicated succession timelines and successor competency reviews.


This allows organizations to develop and nurture talent internally within the organization thus securing a pipeline of talent for the future. Employees who are aware of potential job opportunities and prospects within the organization are more likely to be motivated and engaged.


HR software has a vital role to play in keeping employees engaged and motivated. By having the right processes in place, you will be able to retain a significant edge over your competitors.


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