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Home 5 Support Services

Support services

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We prioritise our current clients with our ongoing customer support care services to provide the highest quality service and resolve any queries you may have.

Support services

The success of information systems implementation relies heavily on customer support after implementation. At IQ Dynamics, we recognize the importance of ongoing support services for our clients who use our solutions. We are committed to providing our customers with the care they need and enhanced services to ensure their success. 

Our Customer Care Program offers flexible, friendly, and uniquely focused solutions, including emergency support. We provide support services for the various products and solutions we have implemented for our clients, and our support services come with an extensive support service level agreement report that details our response and resolution performance for our customers. We prioritize transparency and focus on the support we provide for our customers. Additionally, we offer support services to our customers for the development projects we have done for them.

Our support comes in various forms, such as:

  • User support and technical support via email, fax, telephone
  • Remote support via various means of communication
  • Onsite and online support 
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Support online

IQ Dynamics Support Online is an online customer support portal designed to provide timely assistance to our existing customers and to ensure that follow-up actions are taken.

  • Tracking of response/ action for each support request
  • Centralizes and shares the details of the support requests from the same source
  • Provides the up-to-date list of support requests as and when needed
  • Improves customer service with a better way of controlling and monitoring the support request raised

At IQ Dynamics, we have established a set of predetermined rules, forms, processes, and procedures for providing support to our customers. With this process in place, we take pride in achieving the necessary customer satisfaction. We have a tracking and escalation process in place to ensure that our clients’ support calls are attended to through the proper channel and in a timely manner. We offer various maintenance and support packages to our customers, allowing them to choose the package that best suits their needs.


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For Existing Customers

For existing customer, please contact our Customer Support Hotline at 6871 4371.

The Customer Support Login page can be found on the top right corner of the website or click on the button to access the support page.

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