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HRMS Role in Tackling High Employee Turnover

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It is often said that employees don’t resign from their jobs, instead, they fire their bosses. Employees leave their jobs for a variety of reasons and these range from better job opportunities to toxic or hostile work environments.


However, research has shown us that an organization’s culture and work environment are one of the main reasons behind employees choosing to leave. From dreading Mondays to feeling excited and recharged for the new work week, an organization’s work culture has a major effect on the psyche of each individual employee.


Feeling engaged, motivated, and happy are all of the hallmarks of a great workplace. Hostility, bullying, and office politics are sure signs of a toxic workplace environment which is sure to leave employees disengaged and frustrated. IQDynamics’ integrated HR software equips your team with the HRMS role and the right tools needed to ensure that your organization is a great place to work. Here’s how:


HRMS’s role in ensuring that employees are a good fit

As gatekeepers of an organization’s workplace culture, HR professionals need to be equipped with the right HRMS role and tools to identify and recruit the right people. Workplace compatibility is especially important in order to provide employees with a conducive work environment.


During the recruitment stage, it is vital to determine if a chosen candidate is a good fit for the organization. This is especially vital if synergy is to be achieved between employees working together. A team consisting of members working in sync for the greater good will most likely perform like a well-oiled machine.


Studies conducted by Alex Edmans of the London Business School have proved the existence of a positive correlation between employee happiness and financial performance. What all of this means is that happy employees work harder and perform better which in turn produces better quality work which translates into better financial performance.


While conflict is a regular part of the workplace, an employee who is a poor match for your organization’s existing work culture will likely compound any existing conflicts in the workplace.

For example, an employee who resorts to gossiping and backstabbing to get ahead is liable to cause trouble within an organization. In the long term, this may cause unhappiness within the team which leads to disengagement, unhappiness, and toxicity.


A story shared with us by X, a manager in an MNC based in Malaysia highlights this situation clearly. Having identified what he thought was the perfect candidate, X brought on a new addition to his team. Unfortunately, this new team member was not able to work together with her colleagues which resulted in her alienation from the rest of the team. In the long term, the new team member began missing work regularly which served to only antagonize her team members who had to cover for her. Eventually, said team member resigned after a massive fight in the office which attracted plenty of undue attention.


Recognizing the issue faced by HR professionals all over the world, we at IQDynamics have specially designed our HR software to help recruiters identify the right job candidates. Our HR software’s intuitive design allows HR executives and hiring managers with the right HRMS role to review candidate applications prior to the interview for better analysis. To prevent any oversight, HR professionals can also blacklist any potentially problematic candidates to be flagged to the hiring manager. This allows for a greater degree of control during the hiring process which can go a long way in ensuring that the right candidate gets the job.


HRMS’s role in providing employees with quality feedback

Employees rely on their leaders to provide them with direction and feedback which is what makes performance reviews vital. During these sessions, both parties are able to provide and receive feedback, positive reinforcement, and if needed constructive criticism. An in-depth performance review allows managers to get a clear picture of an employee’s contributions to the organization’s ultimate goal.


Also, performance reviews are vital in order to identify key areas for improvement while also identifying star performers within the organization. Given the importance of performance reviews, it is crucial that the data provided to managers is as accurate as possible. However, managers and HR professionals are still human and are susceptible to their own sets of biases.


Further compounding this issue is the fact that employee appraisals are viewed with disdain by both employee and employer. Oftentimes, employees claim that their appraisals are an inaccurate measurement of their actual job performance. This can lead to allegations of bias and unfair performance reviews which can have a drastic effect on an employee’s morale.


Allegations of biased and unfair performance reviews can spread like wildfire and before long, the accuracy of the entire exercise is called into question by employees. This situation clearly highlights the importance of having comprehensive HR software that can provide employees with comprehensive and unbiased reviews.


Our HR software utilizes a 360 performance management approach in order to accurately measure the performance of the organization’s employees. This begins with the standard 3-step appraisal approach that analyzes an employee’s performance, achievements, and goals. All of this can be logged into our system for further analysis or reference at a later point in time.


Furthermore, employees are also invited to provide their own with regard to the organization, their leaders, and their peers. By taking an objective approach towards performance management, organizations are able to provide employees with better quality work reviews whilst eliminating bias. This has the benefit of keeping employees motivated while ensuring that deserving employees are rewarded.


Perpetuating such a meritocratic culture ensures that employees recognize the fact that they are assessed on performance alone which has the benefit of significantly reducing office politics and a toxic culture.


HRMS’s role in identifying talented individuals

When given the opportunity to develop themselves professionally, employees are able to recognize that they are a valued part of the organization. Besides being disengaged and unhappy, a lack of development and opportunities is one of the main reasons why employees seek employment elsewhere.


Ambitious employees are constantly seeking out opportunities to further develop themselves in order to enhance their careers. These high-performing individuals are a valued part of any organization and failing to address their need for self-improvement is folly.


Besides grooming the future leaders of the organization, training, and development is vital to provide talented individuals with the incentive to stay on. Recognizing the fact that SMEs often overlook this, IQDynamics has developed integrated HR software that allows organizations to provide their employees with effective and affordable training.


This first begins with the HR software talent assessment system that enables HR professionals to identify, evaluate, and plot the organization’s existing talent pool using the 9-Box Grid Performance Matrix. This matrix compares the employee’s potential against his/her performance.


From here, HR professionals and managers are able to evaluate an individual’s potential for growth. After these talented individuals have been identified, our system’s Corporate Learning Management System helps managers develop a learning program that is suited for said individual. With the use of a competency framework, areas for development and improvement can be identified to further develop said employee.


By investing in employees as such, the organization is able to attract, recruit, and retain high-performing individuals who are able to create value. Along with this, by ensuring that employees are able to develop themselves professionally, this will significantly reduce turnover of staff in the long term.


Employee turnover is a serious problem that can have severe consequences for the organization’s bottom line and staff. With IQDynamics, our HR system will equip your team with the tools needed to both educate and motivate your employees.

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